6 Tips I wish I knew before starting my photography business

I still remember my first few days at photography school, I was shy and unsure, but also very excited! Could I possibly make a career out of photography!?

11 Years have passed since I first started my photography business in 2009 here in Cape Town. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by.

Like with anything new we start in life; we make mistakes and we learn from it.

That is why I decided to write this blog post; with tips of what you need to know before starting your photography business.

things I wish I knew before I started my photography business


Here are 6 things I wish I knew before starting my photography business:


1.It will take time – be patient.

We have all heard the saying that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’, but believing it in the time we are ‘waiting’ can be difficult. 

When I first started with photography, I had no idea what I was getting into.  After I completed 2 short courses, I had the basic knowledge, but I had NO knowledge of how to run a business.

All I knew is that I HAD to make things happen; I had to get out of my comfort zone!

It was before Instagram existed, I started with a blog and a Facebook group, photographed weddings for free, practiced taking photos with my sister who did modeling. 

I don’t think I even had a clear ‘goal’ of where I wanted it all to go when I started, I just knew I couldn’t sit and wait for things to happen.


There were times when I got very impatient; why aren’t things happening, why am I not getting any bookings? Why is it that it took me 10 years to get here and for others it takes 3 years?


I just gave it all over to God, and I let him guide me in every step. I chose to be patient (and I still to every day) with His plan for my life and business.


2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

(workshops, business coach, mentor).

My goodness, do I wish I attended a photography workshop when I first started!! Yes, I did pay for photography school, but it didn’t teach me anything about weddings, how to work with clients or business skills…


I know for a fact that if I invested in a workshop/business coach sooner I would have learned so many things a lot earlier. 

Things like; finding my ideal client, advertising, building a brand… and so much more.


Since I invested in a business coach, my business has flourished! I was able to build up the confidence to start hosting photography workshops. I started setting (SMART) goals and started to believe the truth that I am the CEO of my business and I have purpose. 


So, if you are on the fence about investing in a workshop/business coach/mentor – this is your sign! DO IT!


3. Invest in professional help

(graphic designer, brand designer or web designer).



There is nothing wrong with doing some DIY when it comes to building your website/logo/brand… but I now know that a professional brand strategist & graphic designer knows SO MUCH MORE! 

If I could have had a solid brand from the start (even though my brand has evolved, and keeps on evolving) I know it would have made a big difference in how my brand/photography was perceived. 


Even if you just get a graphic designer to help you with logo design, or a web designer to build a user friendly website… It will make such a big difference in your business!


4. Learn who your ideal client is, sooner.


When I started I knew nothing about ‘ideal clients’ or how to discover who mine was. I did notice that certain couples booked me, and I enjoyed working with a certain type of client.

When starting out it is good to do a bit of everything, and to work with a different verity of people to see what you are good at. 


Once you find what genre of photography you enjoy; stick to it! If you don’t enjoy new born photography, don’t do it. You are only doing yourself and your client a disservice. 

Once you have photographed a few shoots/weddings; make a list of what you enjoyed about each wedding and couple. This will help you to start building your ideal client profile. 

You can then use this information when you advertise and you will be able to attract these clients to your business.



5. Give value first.


“Get get get! Look at me, look at me!” Those are thoughts I think every young entrepreneur has when they start their business. 

It is all about; “what can I get, look at this special, book me!” Then we wonder why no one is booking?!

It is so important to always give value first; a free download, free tips, a free add-on? What value can you give to make your potential clients trust you before they are even thinking about booking your services?

That is something that would have been SO VALUABLE for me to know early on!


6. Don’t compare yourself to others



Last, but certainly not the least… This is a BIG ONE! 

How many times have you heard; “Comparison is the thief of joy.”? BELIEVE IT. It will save you so many tears…

You are uniquely created, with a specific purpose and calling. Even if there are 1000’s of other photographers, only YOU can serve your clients the way you do. 


Although I wish I could go back in time to change how I did certain things, I wouldn’t trade my journey for anything else! I know God used it to bring me to where I am today.

comparison is thief of joy

Want to learn more about how you can grow and flourish in your photography business? Join my FREE Facebook group here.

See you there! 🙂


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